Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Past weekend of the bog, birdwatching, and Birds And Beers!

The results of the Brrrrdathon were recently released. The link below covers the amount of money raised for the bog, and the some of the some of the photo-contest photos that were entered. Although I'm relatively new to photo contests, this is the first photo contest that I've won. You'll get a kick out of the cleverly-thought-out trophies which were prensented during the post-Brrrrdathon gathering...


This past weekend I enjoyed guiding a couple around Saturday morning at Sax-Zim Bog, and a college-friend around the bog on Sunday afternoon. Both trips to the bog were spectacular.
Below is my list from both days.Northern Goshawk
Ruffed Grouse
Northern Hawk Owl
Downy Woodpecker
Hairy Woodpecker
Black-capped Chickadee
Boreal Chickadee
Gray Jay
Blue Jay
Common Raven
American Crow
Red-breasted Nuthatch
Northern Shrike
Pine Grosbeak

Here are some of my favorite photos from this past weekend (all of Northern Hawk Owls).
The Sax-Zim Bog habitat is really unique. A Northern Hawk Owl is pictured here, perched on tree just after sunset. The light conditions for this photo are optimal for seeing the large and elusive Great Gray Owl.

Northern Hawk Owl in flight. This Northern Hawk Owl pursued three Ruffed Grouse shortly after the photo was taken!

Northern Hawk Owls have a beautiful, almost creepy stare!

Gotta itch on the foot! Look closely, and you'll see this Northern Hawk Owl is banded!

To add even more fun to the guided-trips this past weekend, was the Minnesota-renowned Birds and Beers event. Sharon Stiteler keep this fun event running. All of the birdwatchers met at Joe's Garage, a very pleasant and upscale bar and grille in Minneapolis. I love microbrews...enjoying the rich flavors, hearty aromas and beautiful colors of good beer. And hanging out with fun & exciting birdwatchers while having a good beer and delicious food, was just a fantastic time. After enjoying the birdwatchers' fantastic company indoors, Sharon showed me the thousands and thousands of roosting crows in a park in Minneapolis. Crows are so smart and intelligent, and are pretty funny to observe and listen to at night as they roost. They make sounds of clattering, clucking, an almost mumbling sound, and the classic "caw."

You can find more information regarding Birds and Beers, at Sharon's Birds and Beers site below

Here are some photos I took of the roosting crows :-)

I'm still learning more about the layout of blogs. Soon I'll be on top of things as soon as they happen :-) Thanks again for reading my blog!

Good birdwatching,