This past fall season has been incredible up here in the northwoods Minnesota. Nearly the entire spectrum of bird migration has moved through, but there is still more to come... Right now we're witnessing many birds that are not just migrating through the area, but to the area. Only the hardiest of birds and bird species will overwinter in the frigid, blustery, and so uniquely-gorgeous habitat that exists in the northwoods & along Lake Superior.
Over the past week, the hawk counters at Hawk Ridge (Duluth, MN) have surpassed 64,000 raptors for this fall! Raptor migration is a breathtaking spectacle that is a must-see for any nature lover. As raptors (birds of prey) migrate southward, many of them rely on updrafts and thermals to aid them in the long journeys which they partake in. Up at Hawk Ridge, raptors can be seen migrating past in noteworthy numbers along the North Shore of Lake Superior, eventually funneling into the lake's western-most tip where Duluth is located. Raptors struggle and tire-easily when they fly over large bodies of water. Thermal activity is very weak over large bodies of water, and because of this this atmospheric rule of thumb, the phenomenon of concentrating migrating raptors takes place in areas like Duluth! A stunning adult Northern Goshawk (above & left) and juvenile Northern Harrier (above & right) are shown. Both were observed in-the-hand at Hawk Ridge this fall. They were banded at the raptor banding stations located within and near the ridge.
Weather plays a big role in raptor migration. In order for strong thermals to exist, sunny skies are needed to be present. On cloudy days where relatively little sun hits the ground, the raptors that are migrating tend to be observed lower in the sky. Wind direction plays a big role in the numbers of raptors observed each day too. Winds that are coming out of the west and northwest tend to bring the largest raptor numbers, wheres winds strong out of the east tend to blow raptors inland beyond the viewing area of Hawk Ridge. The thoroughly-enjoyed "westerlies" meander raptors eastward until many of them get to the North Shore of

Photographing raptors in-flight is a fun and exciting challenge. In case you'd like to see more of my photos from this fall at Hawk Ridge, the link below directs you there.
There are many

Debbie Waters, education director at Hawk Ridge, is just that to me. I couldn't wait to finally catch up on the Naturally Avian blog and share some of the fun Hawk Ridge happenings with all of you, as well as put forth some words of thanks that make me slightly teary-eyed as I'm getting my thoughts together... I want to thank Debbie for being such a true source of inspiration for doing my best at Hawk Ridge. Even outside of Hawk Ridge, she has provided me with some guidance in selecting and partaking in seasonal field positions. The world and lifestyle of doing season-to-season "bird jobs" is rewarding, and can also be very challenging. To have a good friend to talk to regarding field jobs, experiences and the likes, is a treat.
Debbie coordinated the educational aspect of Hawk Ridge, and so much more. She became the Hawk Ridge naturalist in 2001, and has been the education director since 2005. This fall is her last fall season as the education director. Her lively spirit, passion, and teaching expertise will be missed at the ridge. Within an organization, some people come along that set the bars higher, to make the organization really turn for the better. Thank you Debbie, for the inspiration!
*My good friend Curt Rawn took this picture of Debbie and I at Hawk Ridge, this past fall.
I am excited to share my experiences with all of you throughout the upcoming winter - through birding trips, sharing my sightings with you, and posting photos for you to enjoy!
Good birding,
Great job Erik...as always! (kinda got a bit teary as well having gotten to know all of you). My push on wrapping up several years of large home projects kept me away from the ridge this fall, but I was aware that this sacrifice now will allow me to spend much more time then I've had, on making myself available for the coming years. That doesn't mean that at least one eye is not always checking the skies at my post out here in the country! I see a wonderful migration from my doorstep, and keeping up on Hawk Ridge posts and your blog, has certainly kept me engaged and interested just the same. Thanks for all of your hard work as well, and keep the great spirit.....we all enjoy it!