The bird's song that woke me up this morning was a Fox Sparrow. They are a large and fluffy sparrow, with gorgeous streaks of rufous lining the outer edges of their belly and chest; with the streaks becoming smaller chevrons of bright rufous color as the markings approach the snow-white belly. Their throat is marked in rufous streaks, and they have an elaborate head

For a sparrow, Fox Sparrows are quite long-legged, which gives them leverage for scratching-up seeds within the ground (or right now, the snow). Different sparrows forage for seeds using different techniques; some sparrows, like the Song Sparrow and American Tree Sparrows, typically feed by bouncing around from place-to-place, keeping close watch on the ground as they scan for seeds. Once they find some seeds, they'll crack the outer shell, swallow the inner seed whole, then move on to a new area... letting their grit-filled crops do the "food processing" for digestion. Other sparrows, like the energetic Fox Sparrow, feed by jumping in place, and scratching vertically downward on the ground, in hopes to uncover seeds that may have been covered by light layers of snow, leaf litter, etc (as seen in the video below)! All videos in this blog were digiscoped (recorded through a spotting scope). The little point-and-shoot camera is hand-held as steadily as I can hold it, behind the eyepiece- looking through the scope for a more zoomed-in image. Enjoy!
There are four varieties (or forms) of Fox Sparrow. The variety we see hear in the midwest and to the east coast is the Red form; also known as the Eastern form. The other varieties consist of the Slate-colored, Large-billed and Sooty form, all of which are found out west. The red form we see in the Midwest breeds throughout northern Canada, and overwinters in the southeast portion of the lower 48 states. If you're in the northern Midwest, you can see them visiting feeders for short durations during spring and fall migration.

The American Tree Sparrow breeds throughout the northernmost forests of Canada, and into Alaska. This species is found in the lower 48 states during fall migrating, throughout the harsh winter months, and can be seen heading north during spring migration as they head northward. They are a hardy, gorgeous and fluffy little bird!
Up until today, I had not seen Fox Sparrows or Tree Sparrows here in Duluth, MN. Hopefully these birds will be strong, and be able to withstand the elements as they make their way northward. We're currently going through a very blustery and harsh winter-like spring storm! These photos and videos in this blog entry were enjoyed under my birdfeeders this morning.
Here is a video of a Fox Sparrow eating a sunflower seed, and singing all at the same time!
Here is a video of a Fox Sparrow. As it eats the seeds, listen closely... you can hear the Song Sparrow singing (a slightly less musical-sounding, quicker-paced song), and other nearby Fox Sparrows singing (the more yodeling, flute-like song).
And a video of an American Tree Sparrow - such a cute little fluffball! A Fox Sparrow can be heard singing in the background.
I have been having such an incredible time counting raptors over the past month here in Duluth, and hope to provide some belated, yet interesting tidbits about the fun sightings I've witnessed... of course, including some pictures too!
Thank you for reading my blog, and good birdwatching,
Great pictures and videos, the sounds are wonderful, and the information is very well doone. This is a really fine blog entry.
ReplyDeleteThanks Wes :) Much appreciated!