Recently I created a birding tour website for the services that I offer. If you're interested in learning more about the birding tours that I offer, the link below will take you to that website.
Naturally Avian can also be found on Facebook, where I share pictures of birds that I have observed recently (locally, which is often in northern Minnesota, but pictures will be shared from the recent birding trips and travels). A spectrum of bird facts and tidbits can be found with most of my posted photos too! This is one way to find out about upcoming birding trips as well.
It's been a busy year, and I'm very excited to connect all of you with my experiences in the field. Right now I am busy preparing for attending the Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival, which will be my first time ever in Texas. I hope you enjoy this photo of a Great Gray Owl, recently photographed about two weeks ago in Sax-Zim Bog. Like with all of my photography, no baiting and no "squeaking" or luring of these birds takes place in order to get the pictures. Birdwatching is all about enjoying the beauty of birds in their environment (giving them their space and comfort, and then some), and sharing those moments of awe and wonder with other birdwatchers.
Until later... Cheers and good birding!